Sunday 16 Feb 2025
Pirates Club
25 Braeside Road, Greenside
Race Start
Entry fee: R260
Junior & Grandmaster fee: R200
Blind runners fee: Free
Temporary Licence: R75

Frequently Asked Questions
Entry queries
Yes. Our entries are capped at 5000 participants for the safety of runners.
No. This is only a 21km race. We host our annual 10km race in September, keep an eye on our social media or at pirates10k.co.za for details closer to the time.
Online race entries close at midnight Thursday 13th February 2025 or as soon as our limit on participants is reached. Limited entries may be available at registration
Entry fee: R260
Temp. Licence: R75 (for all entrants not current members of an ASA accredited running club).
Entry fee for Juniors (under 20) and Grandmasters (over 60): R200
FREE race t-shirt and goodie bag to first 2000 online entrants only.
the run up...
All Race Pack and Number collection is from Pirates Club, 25 Braeside Road, Greenside:
- Friday 14th Feb: 13pm-6pm
- Saturday 15th Feb: 9am-3pm
- Sunday 16th Feb: 04:30am-5:30am
We urge you to collect before Race Day to avoid being late for the start.
Please ensure you have proof entry to show when collecting your race number.
You can substitute by giving the new entrant a letter with a copy of your ID stating you are handing the entry over to this person who is collecting.
Substitutions can only be processed during the Friday or Saturday Registration times and not on Sunday morning
- Friday 16th Feb: 12pm-6pm
- Saturday 17th Feb: 9am-3pm
On the day
Very limited parking is available on club premises. Alternative parking is available at Greenside High (R20 per car ) We urge runners to use e-hailing or share lifts as parking is limited. Illegal parking on verges or obstructing driveways and traffic will be severely dealt with.
Portaloos are provided in the parking prior to the start. The clubhouse is NOT OPEN to runners before the start. The Ladies changeroom (with showers) in the Clubhouse will be open from 7:30am. The Men’s changeroom and showers are to the west of the Clubhouse above the fields.
Tog bag storage is available at the ‘Pigeon House’ – red roof building in parking area behind Clubhouse. Pirates Club takes no liability for any items left at the tog bag facility. Ensure your tog bag is labelled with your race number.
The starting point is along Cruden Bay Road above Sir Lionel Phillips Park
The race will be timed mat to mat. Your timing chip will be provided and is included in your entry.
previous results
the run up...
Getting to Pirates Club
Parking only open from 4am.
Very limited parking is available on club premises. Alternative parking is available at Greenside High (R20 per car ) We urge runners to use e-hailing or share lifts as parking is limited. Illegal parking on verges or obstructing driveways and traffic will be severely dealt with.
View Route
Download Route
You can download the route for any other device by clicking/tapping the ••• from the Garmin Connect page
Equal Prize Money for Men & Women
Open: R9 300
40-49: R2 800
50-59: R2 000
60+: R1 800
Junior: R1 200
Open: R4 300
40-49: R1 800
50-59: R1 500
60+: R1 200
Junior: R800
Open: R2 300
Junior: R500
Open: R1 800
Open: R1 300

(must finish in the top 10)
R1 700 each
No chip – no results. The race is run in accordance with ASA and CGA rules (https://centralgautengathletics.
co.za/cga-general-rules/). Athletes indemnify national, provincial and regional bodies, sponsors and organisers of the
race against all and any action of whatsoever nature arising out of their participation. Runners must be 16 years of
age or older on the day, compete at their own risk, be medically fit to participate, and supply details of next of kin on
race number and entry form. Licensed athletes must wear club colours and their 2024/2025 licence number back and front,
with the race number worn on the front of the vest. Temporary licensed athletes to wear plain clothing with the issued
temporary licence number on the back. Athletes competing for category prizes must wear clearly visible age tags
on the back and front of their running vest. No seconding is allowed. International athletes must provide a clearance
letter from their country of origin to the referee in the event of them winning a prize. No blade, cyclists or mechanically
operated device allowed in the race. No 2, 3 or 4 wheel carts/prams which are mechanically or manually operated by
participants, will be permitted to participate without the special permission of the race organisers and must start at
the back of the field. No pets or earphones, portal music players and the like. All traffic officers and officials must be
obeyed at all times. Proof of age for prize winners will be required before prize giving. Only those who have completed
all the information required in the race entry/number are eligible for prizes. No refunds. Athletes may not run with
another athlete’s race number unless by prior arrangement with the race organiser. Licensed athletes who do not
wear their 2024/2025 licence numbers must purchase a temporary licence on the day or face disqualification. Athletes who
participate without buying a race entry will be disqualified, will not be entitled to any benefits associated with the race
and will be liable for a double entry fee charge. Licensed runners not wearing club colours may face disqualification.
Littering is not allowed, and athletes may be disqualified if caught littering. The issued race number must be worn over
the 2024/2025 licence number, without obscuring the sponsor. Foreign athletes are not allowed to run with an ASA licence
and must purchase a temporary licence or face disqualification (IAAF Rule 4). Foreign Athletes are not allowed to run
in Club Colours unless such club exists in their country of origin, or they are in possession of a refugee status permit
or are naturalised citizens of RSA (IAAF Rule 4). Objections must be lodged within 30 minutes of prize giving in writing
to the Chief Referee and must be accompanied by a deposit of R500, refundable if the objection is upheld
Pirates Club: 011 646 5025